Kerala is considered to be the special abode of Ayurveda, with its unique keraleeyapanchakarma-safe and systematic use of herbal medicine for the management of various chronic ailments. The therapeutic effect of Ayurveda and yoga in the prevention and cure of occupation related stress, strain, pain and general anxiety disorders, management of various types of arthropathies, degenerative disorders, allergic diseases, gynaecological ailments including infertility are widely recognized and practiced for the betterment of the society.
For the management of degenerative disorders like Low back ache, Cervical Spondylosis, Arthritis, Knee pain and Stress related anxiety, Insomnia etc, the practice of Ayurveda and Naturopathy is followed here – in the premises of Amrita Ayurveda - Naturopathic Hospital & Yoga Centre, Vinoba Nikethan, Nedumangad, Thiruvananthapuram. Rejuvenation Therapy one of the main streams of Ayurveda that can be used meticulously for detoxification of body, to increase strength and to enhance emotional well – being is also followed here.
While Naturopathy allow for raw vegetables and organic meats. Ayurveda promotes cooked vegetables and a vegetarian life style. Both systems agree that healthy diets focus on the idea that the body is best equipped to process foods those are closest to nature.
Naturopathy is an art and science of healthy living and drugless system of healing.
Naturopathic medicine is a system that uses natural remedies to help the body heal itself. It emprises many therapies including herbs, massage, acupuncture, exercise and natural counselling.
Ayurveda is a form of holistic medicine that’s focused on promoting balance between your body and mind. According to Ayurveda, five elements make up the universe vayu (air), Jal (water) Akash (space), teja (fire) and prithvi (earth).
We have all the basic amenities for the various ayurvedic treatment modalities like Vamana, Virechana, Vasthi, Nasya, Rakthamoksha, Uttaravasthi and specialised Kerala manner Panchakarma procedures like Pizhichil, Ilakizhi, Njavarakizhi, Sirodhara & Sirovasthi.
We extend our services in the treatment of eye ear, nose, throat disorders through Tharpana, Putapaka, Dhoomapana, etc and various other procedures to build up immunity.
Below are the 5 procedures in Panchakarma
In order to make a one’s body ready to accept the panchakarma Treatment below Pre-Procedures are applied before the beginning of the panchakarma Treatment.