

Dr Jayan M G - Senior Ayurveda Physician (RMO) Amrita Ayurveda & Naturopathic Hospital, Vinobhaniketan PO, Nedumangad, Trivandrum


There is an interesting term in Ayurveda referred as "Rasayana".

A Rasayana is something that makes everyone stronger regardless of once individual mind / body type. All though we usually hear the word in reference to herbs and herbal formulas it can also refer to behaviours. In fact, there is an entire sub category, that specifies actions and thought patterns which can rejuvenate the body thereby increasing the lifespan and higher states of consciousness.

"Behavioral rasayanas" works because any thought in the mind or any action, has it's effect on the body. Many scientific studies on the mind-body connection have shown that every time we have a thought or feeling, some chemical are produced in the body. This neurochemicals are extremely powerful. For example one type of neurochemical called end of science are natural painkillers produced by the brain and are are said to be 50 times more powerful pharmaceutical make.

We just need to know how to use the brain properly, how to produce good chemicals rather than bad ones. Negative emotions such as anger, jealousy, frustration, fear and grief cause harmful neurochemicals to be produced: chemicals that can actually breakdown the body function, positive thoughts and actions on the other hand can be powerful tools for strengthening our psychology and improving our health.

Thousands of years ago Ayurveda identified one biochemical in particular referred to as "Ojas". Ojas is said to be the finest aspect of material creation, the junction point between consciousness and matter. It is as much consciousness as it is physical. Ojas nourishes the body to more ojas, the better your health, immunity, balance, purity and happiness.

According to charaka samhita, one of the principle texts of Ayurveda, describes ojas as a fluid substance located in the heart. From the heart, ojas circulates throughout the entire body and maintains immunity and strength of muscles, stamina and a healthy glow to the skin.

•Transcend on a regular basis - be regular in meditation.
•Speak truthfully but sweetly.
•Speak well of others: never spread gossip.
•Be free of anger.
•Abstain from alcohol and immoderate behaviour 
•Be non violent and calm
•Be charitable to others: help people in need, especially those with no livelihood or those in grief.
•Help even those who might have mistreated you.
•Keep yourself, your clothing, and your environment neat, clean, and well groomed.
•Be respectful of teachers and elders.
•Be loving and compassionate.
•Keep the company of the wise.
•Maintain a positive Outlook.
•Enjoy the good qualities of others.
•Don't lose balance through wealth.