Immunity boosting by Ayurveda
Being the oldest medical treatment, Ayurveda is the most comprehensive and effective treatment in the Modern medical treatment only focuses on treating the ailment but Ayurveda treats for the aim of cutting disease from the root. It ais based on the principle of maintaining a balance between the interrelated relationship within the mind and the body.Not only curing diseaseses like Blood pressure,heart diseases and many more than this.Like this it has remedies for eye related ailments for memory loss, diabetes wounds osteoporosis etc for which no effective medicine is available ln modern medicine.
Ayurveda. doesn't cure ailments but it works for an objective to help the healthy person just to maintain good health. The practice of Ayurveda designed to perform human happiness at a mental, physical and spiritual level. All this can be accomplished with the simple procedure of healthy eating proper thinking and herbal remedies can help people to keep the vata,pitta and kapha in balance.
* Agni balanced
* To produce mala (The waste products and eliminates normally.
* Mana, indriya and Atma( mind,sense and consciousnes)working blissful harmony.
* Helps dhatus(seven body tissues) function normally.
Benefits of Ayurveda
The best part of Ayurveda is it treats the disease permanently with natural process that has no side effects.It has various other benefits like
* The foremost benefits of Ayurveda is its safety. According to Ayurveda every tree and plant has a medical attribute that can treat the human body . Similarly Ayurveda medicines are made up of natural herbs fruits, vegetables and significantly plants and trees which can never be harmful to the human body.
* No doubt ,an Ayurvedic treatment takes time to cure the disease permanently. With Ayurvedic medicines,some diseases like piles, jaundice and constipation can be treated successfully.
* Ayurvedic treatments doesn't include any chemical product that means it is purely made up of natural ingredients that are completely safe and don't have any side effects.
* In comparison to modern medicine Ayurvedic medicines are made up of natural products that are completely eco friendly. The use of natural ingredients protects the atmosphere from chemical polution.