

Dr Ranjini Rajasekharan - Naturopathic Physician Amrita Ayurveda & Naturopathic Hospital, Vinobhaniketan PO, Nedumangad, Trivandrum

The concept of vitality or life force energy is ancient. It is called prana in Sanskrits India and chi or qi in Chinese. In Western cultures, naturopathy, homoeopathy and chiropractic sciences, it may be called life energy, life force, vital force, etheric, vita energy, gone energy or zero-point energy. Modern medicine or allopathic medicine does not recognize it as an important factor in health and disease.
In the present day scenario, vitality is interchangeably exchanged with immunity.

What is vitality?
It is the capacity for survival or for continuation of a meaningful or purposeful existence.

What is vital force?
A hypothetical force, independent of physical and chemical forces, regarded as being the causative of the evolution and development of living organisms.

What is immunity?
It is a biological term that describes a state of having sufficient biological defenses to avoid infection, disease or other unwanted biological invasions.

In other words, it is the capability of the body to resist harmful microbes from entering it. Immunity involves both specific and non-specific components.
Immunity is more to do with physical matter, whereas vitality operates in the realms of physical, mental and spiritual entities.

Vitality can be conserved and enhanced by correct way of living such as consuming healthy food and water, exposure to fresh air, sufficient rest and relaxation, etc.
This means that in addition to eating for the purpose of various nutrients, proper eating, drinking and breathing also allow us to absorb subtle energy. So another reason to eat correctly is to tune up the absorption mechanisms of the body and mind to allow the body to absorb more life force energy from its environment.
This unseen vital force or life force is important in maintaining and restoring health. Hence conservation of this vital force is required for day-to-day bodily functions and for a vibrant internal mechanism
Any method that helps to conserve, nurture, enhance or create more vitality is therefore helpful for one's healing. This is where natural healing excels and conventional allopathic medicine, in particular, often fails miserably. At best, medical and over-the-counter drugs will notreduce vitality too much. However, in most cases, drugs, surgery, and radiation therapies have a negative impact on vitality, even if they improve other outcomes.
The reason is that allopathy or drug medical care depends mainly on toxic substances to restore health. The body must overcome the effects of the toxins in the drugs and radiation, in particular, and this uses up vital energy. Over time, this tends to shorten one's life and limit life in other ways as well.

Vitality is not something to take lightly. In other words, beware of any behavior, activity, and habit or food item, for example that lower vitality.
Pay attention and try to live in ways that can enhance vitality if you wish to have a long, healthy and happy life. This applies to concepts like raw food, vegetarian diets, most herbs, many vitamins and specialty products, structured drinking water, alkaline water, and hundreds of others.

Economy of vital force necessitates:
1. Prevention of waste of vital force by the stoppage of all leaks.
2. Scientific relaxation, proper rest, and sleep.
3. Proper food selection, magnetic treatment, etc.
productor others.
Here are some of the most important factors that can conserve and build vitality
a. Food and diet include eating habits such as food quantity, food habits, chewing, etc.
b. Drinking water is most important.
c. Rest and sleep includes going to bed by 9 pm, taking naps when needed, sleeping at least eight hours daily, and other factors such as having fresh air when sleeping.
d. Deep breathing can do much for healing in some cases.
e. Avoiding all t…